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п»їThe X movies
"Film X", "porn", "Saturday night", "adult" ... All these names describe this particular cinema that has more and more followers and continues to bother others.

"Film X", "porn", "Saturday night", "adult" . All these names describe this particular cinema that has more and more followers and continues to bother others. Let's take a look at this version of the seventh art.
What is an X movie?
It is a production that explicitly presents sexual acts, in all their forms, and not simulated between different actors. Your goal is to excite the viewers. There are for all tastes and all sexual orientations.
Unlike erotic movies, genitals and penetration are recorded deliberately. So they do not leave much room for imagination!
Why X?
Also called pornographic movies (from the Greek porne, prostituta, and graphe, writing), they have received numerous names. For a long time and until the 1970s, they were described as blues movies, blue movies. A reference, among other things, to the color of the light bulbs at the entrance of the strip bars. Then, the letter X came to qualify them. It is often mistakenly thought that the letter was a reference to the last letter of the word sex.
In fact, it represents the cross that has crossed out these films for a long time.
Currently, the letter X has been replaced by the phrase "prohibited for minors under 18 years of age".
A little history
You do not have to believe that porn movies came out yesterday, but that they are the age of cinema! Since its invention, at the end of the 19th century, by the Lumiere brothers, some "ole ole" and censored productions circulate clandestinely.
Later, only some private salons and underground venues would screen pornographic films to a specific public and informed confidentially.
In the 70s, period of sexual liberation and customs, the X movies were put in movie theaters, with the condition that minors were prohibited.
But 10 years later, the number of rooms that broadcast this genre of productions began to decrease, so the tapes began to be exploited in special and more confidential cinemas.
With the arrival of pay chains or cable, video tapes, later DVD and, finally, the Internet, these cinemas ended up disappearing completely towards the 90s.
The diffusion and the production of the X cinema then experienced a change. From then on, the films are shot on other supports and are seen under the cover of prying eyes in the privacy of your living room and behind the computer screen.
The most frequent reproaches made to the cinema X
• For a long time it has been considered that the image of women degraded and that their desire and pleasure were not taken into account in pornographic films. Faced with criticism, in 1997 some X filmmakers created and signed a manifesto. The Puzzy Power manifesto imposes some rules: a credible script, the respect of the woman's wishes, and no violence or facial ejaculation or forced deflation, as shown by numerous scenes of X movies. On the other hand, there is currently a film market pornography for women
• A distorted image of sexuality. Numerous associations have denounced the danger of this type of cinema mentioning the violence of some scenes, the possible consequences on the construction of young adults who would have access to these images, the risk of addiction, the non-systematic use of condoms ...
?Did you know?
• Pornographic films can be broadcast on TV only between twelve o'clock at night and four o'clock in the morning, and on paid or accessible channels through a code.
• According to a study carried out in 2003 by INSERM (French National Institute for Health and Medical Research): 68% of young people aged 14-18 have already seen pornographic images during the last 12 months.
• Internet is the first pornography shelter. The network offers a huge selection of movies: from the most classic version to an amateur, going through the pirate videos of sexual exploits and private celebrities.
• The terms sex and porn are the most demanded in the search engines.
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